
Take a minute to complete COSMOS survey on Cloud SLA metrics for the IoT@IERC!!!

FP7 COSMOS has recently joined a collaboration/standardization effort together with the H2020 SLALOM project, in order to provide input towards the ISO draft standard 19086-2 that is currently under formulation by ISO IEC-JTC1-SC38-WG3.

COSMOS Madrid Traffic Scenario@IBMInterConnect2016!

The talk shows how to use Spark along with other open source technologies to support IoT and Smarter Cities use cases like traffic monitoring on Bluemix. The work was developed by IBM, ATOS and the University of Surrey for the EMT Madrid Traffic bus company in the context of COSMOS, a European project.

COSMOS Analytics and Storage Approach@IBMInterConnect2016!

What do OpenStack Swift, Spark, CouchDB, Kafka and ElasticSearch have in common? They are all open source, they all are available on IBM's cloud today, and they all focus on storage and using data. The trick, though, is putting these puzzle pieces together to solve real problems.

COSMOS participation@IERC!!!!

The COSMOS project is excited to participate in the upcoming IERC meeting in Brussels! Looking forward to meeting all the participants!!!

COSMOS Madrid Traffic Scenario@SparkTC!

IBM researchers in Haifa, together with partners from the COSMOS EU-funded project, are using Spark to analyze the new wave of IoT data and solve problems in a way that is generic, integrated, and practical.

COSMOS Analytics and Storage Approach@IBMInsight2015!

OpenStack Swift, which is IBM's object store of choice, provides a simple abstraction to storage with an easy to use RESTful API and is therefore capturing developers. We presented recent work on integrating Swift either as a data source and/or target with a range of open source projects such as Kafka (via Secor), Spark, CouchDB, Tachyon, Hadoop, and ElasticSearch.
